

boolean: false

experiments option was introduced in webpack 5 to empower users with the ability to activate and try out experimental features.

Available options:


module.exports = {
  experiments: {
    asyncWebAssembly: true,
    buildHttp: true,
    layers: true,
    lazyCompilation: true,
    outputModule: true,
    syncWebAssembly: true,
    topLevelAwait: true,


When enabled, webpack can build remote resources that begin with the http(s): protocol.

  • Type:

    • HttpUriOptions
        allowedUris: (string|RegExp|(uri: string) => boolean)[],
        cacheLocation?: false | string,
        frozen?: boolean,
        lockfileLocation?: string,
        upgrade?: boolean
  • Available: 5.49.0+

  • Example

    // webpack.config.js
    module.exports = {
      experiments: {
        buildHttp: true,
    // src/index.js
    import pMap1 from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/p-map';
    // with `buildHttp` enabled, webpack will build pMap1 just like a regular local module


A list of allowed URIs.

  • Type: (string|RegExp|(uri: string) => boolean)[]
  • Example
// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
  experiments: {
    buildHttp: {
      allowedUris: [


Define the location for caching remote resources.

  • Type
    • string
    • false
  • Example
    // webpack.config.js
    module.exports = {
      experiments: {
        buildHttp: {
          cacheLocation: false,

By default webpack would use <compiler-name.>webpack.lock.data/ for caching, but you can disable it by setting its value to false.

Note that you should commit files under experiments.buildHttp.cacheLocation into a version control system as no network requests will be made during the production build.


Freeze the remote resources and lockfile. Any modification to the lockfile or resource contents will result in an error.

  • Type: boolean


Define the location to store the lockfile.

  • Type: string

By default webpack would generate a <compiler-name.>webpack.lock file>. Make sure to commit it into a version control system. During the production build, webpack will build those modules beginning with http(s): protocol from the lockfile and caches under experiments.buildHttp.cacheLocation.


Detect changes to remote resources and upgrade them automatically.

  • Type: boolean


Enable additional in-memory caching of modules which are unchanged and reference only unchanged modules.

  • Type: boolean

Defaults to the value of futureDefaults.


Use defaults of the next major webpack and show warnings in any problematic places.


module.exports = {
  experiments: {
    futureDefaults: true,


Compile entrypoints and dynamic imports only when they are in use. It can be used for either Web or Node.js.

  • Type

    • boolean
    • object
        // define a custom backend
        backend?: ((
          compiler: webpack.Compiler,
          client: string,
          callback: (err?: Error, api?: any) => void
        ) => void)
        | ((
            compiler: webpack.Compiler,
            client: string
          ) => Promise<any>)
        client?: string,
        entries?: boolean,
        imports?: boolean,
        test?: RegExp | string | ((module: import("../lib/Module")) => boolean)
      • client: Path to a custom client, defaults to webpack/hot/lazy-compilation-{node|web}.js.
      • backend: Customize the backend, defaults to webpack/lib/hmr/lazyCompilationBackend.
      • entries: Enable lazy compilation for entries.
      • imports 5.20.0+: Enable lazy compilation for dynamic imports.
      • test 5.20.0+: Specify which imported modules should be lazily compiled.
  • Available: 5.17.0+

  • Example 1:

    module.exports = {
      // …
      experiments: {
        lazyCompilation: true,
  • Example 2:

    module.exports = {
      // …
      experiments: {
        lazyCompilation: {
          // disable lazy compilation for dynamic imports
          imports: false,
          // disable lazy compilation for entries
          entries: false,
          // do not lazily compile moduleB
          test: (module) => !/moduleB/.test(module.nameForCondition()),



Once enabled, webpack will output ECMAScript module syntax whenever possible. For instance, import() to load chunks, ESM exports to expose chunk data, among others.

module.exports = {
  experiments: {
    outputModule: true,

5 Contributors
